![](http://i.imgur.com/D4ak56n.png” alt=)
The Merry Mariner is a custom-built exploratory vessel, designed both to survive the wildest conditions on any body of water, and as a cozy home for the family Wicklow. The windmill-blades in front power the ship's propellors down below, via the spiral staircase which runs from top to bottom.
1. Crow's Nest
Here sleeps Pip, the ship's lookout. Equipped with all manner of observational instruments. Also the quietest spot on the ship. 2. Greenhouse Fresh fruits and vegetables of every sort grow here for the family's consumption. Also where Waldo keeps his botanical specimens. |
3. Map Room
Should one have need of a map or navigational chart, this is the place. Just be sure to put them back where they were, or Pappa will never find them again. |
4. Cockpit
Contains the pilot's chair and steering wheel, also known as the helm. From here Pappa or Verona will guide the Merry Mariner to their destination. Most exciting! |
5. Rear Deck
Serves as a patio for lunches or watching the sunset, and where Mamma hangs the wash to dry. Also provides access to the family's amphibious motor-car. |
6. Kitchen
Mamma keeps herself busy here, baking and stewing and cooking and roasting and boiling, generally accompanied by her loud songs from the old country. |
7. Foyer
The first point of entry is through the ship's front door, and take off your shoes or Mamma will have words with you. Also note the family portraits by the stairs. |
8. Study
Pappa is usually found here, snugly settled into his comfortable reading chair by the fireplace. Books on every subject fill these shelves, and here's a secret: there's bottled brandy hidden inside the globe. |
9. Dining Room
Supper is served here, or lunch if the weather is nasty. It looks rather fancy, but don't be fooled - Wicklow family dinners are loud and messy affairs. That's why the fine china in the cabinet is just for looks. |
10. Pantry
Any food which might spoil is stored here in the pantry: sausages from the White Woods, Medimarinean wine and oil, jam preserves from the Red Desert. Snackers beware, for Mamma keeps inventory. |
11. Engine Room
Here the ship's machinery churns day and night to power the ship. Also Waldo's room, where he keeps his laboratory and workshop and maintains the engine. |
12. Bedrooms and Washroom
Here we find Verona's room, Mamma and Pappa's room, and Fritz and Felix's room (not pictured), all decorated to their liking. Via the hallway one can also access the washroom. |
13. Storage Hold
All manner of miscellany gather here, from snow boots to sacks of grain to anything which might fall through the floorboards. No one can be quite sure what exactly is in here... |